Travertine Grigio

Travertine Grigio

Travertine Grigio rec Travertine Grigio

Travertine Grigio

Travertine Grigio is a travertine that features a pale, neutral base color with darker, distinctive lines running across its surface. The striations, or bands, are typically a shade or two darker than the background color, creating a subtle yet striking contrast. Grigio travertine is known for its versatility, making it a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor applications, such as flooring and wall cladding.

Available sizes and finish

Image Code size Finish Availability
Travertine Grigio Bl KM22307 B03 webp Travertine Grigio KM22307_B03 2700 x 1500 x 20 Honed & Unfilled In Stock


MATERIAL Travertine
COLOUR Beige, Grey
FINISH Honed & Unfilled
USE Kitchen, Bathroom, Internal Wall, External Wall, Internal Flooring, External Flooring

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