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Granite Flooring

Granite Flooring

Our Granite Slabs Range For Flooring

Granite Flooring Australia

Granite, a hallmark of sophistication and durability, has long been a preferred choice for flooring by homeowners and designers alike. This natural stone, known for its robustness and array of patterns, brings a touch of nature’s charm to any space.

Why is Granite a Good Material Choice for Flooring?

Floor material is a significant consideration for its visual, tactile, and practical qualities in the appearance of the room. The beauty mixed with the practicality of granite makes it provide many benefits for flooring. Let’s delve into why granite is an exemplary choice for flooring.

  • Durability: Granite’s inherent strength makes it resistant to scratches, chips, and cracks, standing up well against the rigours of daily use. This resilience ensures that your floors remain in top condition for years, handling high foot traffic with ease.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Each granite slab is a piece of natural art. With its distinctive grains and a spectrum of colours, granite adds an elegant and upscale look to any room, elevating the overall design aesthetic.
  • Low Maintenance: Unlike other flooring materials, granite requires minimal upkeep. Its surface repels stains and is easily cleaned, making it a practical choice for busy households and commercial spaces.
  • Adds Value to Property: Installing granite flooring is not just an aesthetic upgrade but also a smart investment. Its luxurious appearance and lasting durability can significantly increase the value of your property.

Types of Granite for Flooring

Granite flooring, a symbol of luxury and durability, comes in an array of types, each boasting unique colours and patterns. This natural stone’s variety ensures a match for any interior design, from sleek modern to traditional elegance. Let’s explore some popular types of granite ideal for flooring, each offering its distinct charm and character.

Indian Jet Black

This granite type stands out for its deep, intense black colour, offering a bold and sophisticated look. Perfect for contemporary designs, Indian Jet Black granite provides a striking contrast against lighter elements in a room, creating a dramatic and elegant ambience. Its uniform colour and texture make it a popular choice for those seeking a minimalist yet impactful design statement.

Colonial White

Known for its creamy white background with specks of pale rose, grey, and black, Colonial White granite exudes warmth and softness. This granite type is ideal for creating a welcoming and inviting atmosphere. Its subtle colour variations add depth and interest to the flooring, making it a versatile choice that complements a wide range of decor styles, from rustic to modern.

Viscount White

Viscount White granite is characterized by its striking waves and swirls of grey and white. This type of granite adds a dynamic and visually interesting element to flooring. Its natural pattern resembles an artist’s canvas, adding artistic flair to the space. Viscount White is perfect for those looking to make a statement with their flooring, as its unique pattern ensures that no two floors will look exactly alike.

Copacabana Granite

Copacabana granite is renowned for its dramatic and bold patterns, featuring striking veins and swirls. This granite type is a showstopper, ideal for adding a luxurious and opulent touch to any space. The dramatic patterning of Copacabana granite makes it a focal point in a room, suitable for spaces where the floor is meant to be a central feature of the interior design.

How to Choose the Right Granite Slab for Your Flooring

Selecting the right granite slab for your flooring can be challenging given the plethora of choices. The key lies in considering the slab’s colour, pattern, and finish, and how it complements your space’s existing decor. Here are some factors to help guide your decision.

  • Consider the Room’s Lighting: Granite slabs come in various colours and finishes that can either absorb or reflect light. Choose lighter shades for smaller or less-lit rooms to create a sense of space, while darker shades can add depth and warmth to well-lit areas.
  • Match with Existing Decor: Ensure the granite’s colour and pattern harmonize with your room’s existing colour scheme and style. The goal is to create a cohesive look that enhances the overall aesthetic of your space.
  • Think about Usage: Areas with high foot traffic might benefit from granite with a matte or honed finish, as it’s more slip-resistant and hides scratches better than polished surfaces.
  • Size and Layout of the Slabs: The size of granite slabs can impact the room’s appearance. Large slabs give a seamless, expansive look, while smaller tiles can create intricate patterns and designs.
  • Budget Considerations: While granite is a long-term investment, prices vary based on the rarity of the stone, colour, and pattern. It’s important to find a balance between aesthetic preferences and your budget constraints.

Pros and Cons of Granite as a Material for Flooring

Like any material, granite comes with its set of advantages and disadvantages as a flooring option. Understanding these will help you make an informed choice about whether granite is the right fit for your flooring needs.


  • Durability and Longevity: Granite’s most significant advantage is its exceptional durability. This hard stone resists scratches, chips, and cracks, making it ideal for high-traffic areas. Its longevity is unparalleled, often outlasting the building itself. With proper care, granite flooring can look pristine for decades, making it a one-time investment with long-term rewards.
  • Unique Aesthetic: Each granite slab is unique, with distinctive patterns and colours ranging from subtle to bold. This natural variation adds an exclusive and luxurious feel to any space. Granite flooring can elevate the aesthetic appeal of a room, providing a touch of elegance and sophistication that few other materials can match.
  • Low Maintenance: Granite is relatively low maintenance compared to other flooring materials. It resists staining and doesn’t harbour bacteria, making it a hygienic choice. Routine cleaning with mild soap and water is usually sufficient to keep granite floors looking their best.
  • Adds Real Estate Value: Granite floors can increase the value of a property. Their luxurious appearance and lasting durability are desirable features in the real estate market, making them an attractive selling point for potential buyers.


  • Initial Cost: The primary drawback of granite flooring is its cost. The material itself can be expensive, and professional installation adds to the overall expense. While it’s a long-term investment, the initial outlay may be prohibitive for some budgets.
  • Cold and Hard Surface: Granite floors can feel cold underfoot, particularly in cooler climates. This can be a discomfort in living areas where you might walk barefoot. Additionally, the hardness of granite can be taxing on your feet and legs during prolonged standing.
  • Slippery When Wet: Polished granite can be slippery, especially when wet. This can pose a hazard in areas like bathrooms and kitchens. Using honed or textured finishes can mitigate this risk but may alter the stone’s appearance.
  • Weight Considerations: Granite is heavy, which can be a logistical challenge during transportation and installation. The weight of the stone also means it may not be suitable for upper-story installations without additional structural support.

How to Care for Your Granite Flooring

Maintaining the natural beauty and durability of granite flooring requires specific care and attention. Proper maintenance not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of the granite but also extends its life. Let’s explore some effective ways to care for and maintain your granite flooring.

  • Regular Cleaning: Sweep or vacuum granite floors regularly to remove dirt and grit that can scratch the surface. Use a damp mop with a pH-neutral cleaner designed for natural stone. Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners that can damage the granite.
  • Prompt Spill Management: Clean spills immediately to prevent staining, especially on lighter-colored granite. Blot the spill with a clean cloth and then clean the area with a stone cleaner.
  • Use Rugs and Mats: Place rugs or mats in high-traffic areas to minimize wear and tear on the granite. This is particularly important in entryways where dirt and grit are most likely to be tracked in.
  • Periodic Sealing: Depending on the type of granite and the level of traffic, your granite floors may need to be sealed periodically. Sealing helps protect the stone from staining and makes it easier to clean.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals and Abrasives: Never use harsh chemicals, bleach, or abrasive cleaners on granite floors as they can etch or dull the finish. Stick to products specifically formulated for natural stone.

By following these care guidelines, your granite flooring will remain a stunning and functional feature in your home or commercial space for many years. Granite floors offer a blend of beauty, durability, and timeless appeal, making them a worthwhile investment for any property.